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You're viewing James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire Cheat Codes

Game Name : James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2002-03-14 18:56:17
Views : 83306

Golden gun
Successfully complete the Trouble In Paradise level with a "Gold" rank. To do this easily, get as much accuracy as you can, take as less hits as you can, and do all the Bond moves (shooting barrels to explode, shooting vital enemy characters and find secret areas).

Golden gun in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Precious Cargo level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Golden CH-6
Successfully complete the Precious Cargo level with a "Gold" rank. To do this easily, aim carefully and shoot the men out of the helicopters to get the gold medal. Also shoot the gasoline tanks at the roadblocks and shoot the gas station's pumps.

Golden accuracy power-up
Successfully complete the Bad Diplomacy level with a "Gold" rank.

Golden clip power-up
Successfully complete the Cold Reception level with a "Gold" rank.

Golden grenade power-up
Successfully complete the Night Of The Jackal level with a "Gold" rank.

Golden bullet power-up
Successfully complete the Poseidon level with a "Gold" rank.

Golden armor power-up
Successfully complete the Forbidden Depths level with a "Gold" rank.

Unlimited Golden gun ammunition
Successfully complete the Evil Summit level with a "Gold" rank.

Unlimited car missiles
Successfully complete the Dangerous Pursuit level with a "Gold" rank.

Rocket Manor multi-player level
Successfully complete the Trouble In Paradise level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Stealth Bond skin in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Dangerous Pursuit level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Guard skin in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Cold Reception level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Alpine guard skin in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Streets Of Bucharest level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Cyclops Oil guard skin in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Poseidon level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Poseidon guard skin in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Mediterranean Crisis level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Carrier guard multi-player skin
Successfully complete the Evil Summit level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Rapid fire power-up
Successfully complete the Fire And Water level with a "Gold" rank.

Regenerative armor power-up
Successfully complete the Mediterranean Crisis level with a "Gold" rank.

Calypso gun in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Fire And Water level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Full arsenal in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Forbidden Depths level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Gravity boots in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Bad Diplomacy level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Viper gun in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Night Of The Jackal level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Lotus Esprit car
Successfully complete the Streets Of Bucharest level with a "Gold" rank.

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